Thursday, March 22, 2007

Whiskey is Distilled Three Times

We decided to drive a bit futher north to Bushmills - home of the world's oldest legal whiskey distillery. Road conditions were bad - lots of wind and snow and sleet - but we made it here and now we're waiting to begin a guided tour of the distillery. I'll have to find out how to get a bottle shipped home.

I took a picture of their "Loo of the Year" award. I think it's serious too (not a joke). It's on my phone at the moment, so I'll post it when I get home.

Here is a picture of me standing next to a particularly large bottle of Bushmills in the bar at the distillery. We got to try a couple of their whiskeys and got a good description of the differences between American bourbon, scotch from Scottland, and Irish whiskey. Ask me sometime if you don't already know. :)


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